VOTE VOTE VOTE Why this one is so important
When Chippy Borough Council was abolished and forced to hand over power to West Oxfordshire District Council the town was given three seats on the new authority. John Grantham reminded me this week that originally all three were Labour - and he won one of them. Since then John Hannis won one as an Independent. Mike Howes won one as a Conservative. Eve Coles is the only remaining labour Councillor (not only in Chippy - but in the whole of West Oxfordshire). This year John Hannis (Independent) is up for re-election and he has decided to retire .....so his seat will be a gain either for Labour or the Conservatives (assuming the LibDems and the Greens turn in their usual kind of performance). This is what they call "a tipping point". If Labour win they will then hold two out of the three Chippy seats. They will double Labour representation in WODC and might just have a voice that would be heard in Witney. A Conservative win in Chippy would effectively mean that the Tories had completed their takeover of the town. Two District Councillors and a County Councillor would be a strong line up. Together they would likely be able to swing a few more things (and funds) Chippy's way. So take your choice. Either help keep a tattered red flag flying in the hills of North Oxfordshire or jump aboard the true blue Oxfordshire bandwagon now as it rolls towards No 10. |
Elizabeth Allen Liberal Democrat |
Rob Evans Labour |
Brian Luney Green Party |
Robert Townley Conservative |
I am a retired teacher and lecturer, and have lived in Chippy since 1991. I have been active in community education, and helping Bangladeshis in the town to improve their English. I also help fund-raise for the Hailcorns Tenants' and Residents' Association. This is going to equip the Cornish Road recreation ground with games and sports equipment for children and young people. As a lay minister in St Mary's Church, I am involved in listening and pastoral work in the whole community. I have come to have a deep concern for the community here and therefore served on the education and recreation sections of the Town Appraisal, and became aware of various needs here. I have also been involved in the campaign to keep a hospital in the town.
I enjoy acting and singing in CHAOS and the Choral Society, and walking with the Ramblers.

I was born in North Wales in 1949. I have lived in Chipping Norton since 1973 firstly teaching at Chipping Norton School, where I am now a Governor, running an adult education department at Banbury College and now tutoring for the Open University from home. I am a Town Councillor and was proud to represent you as County Councillor between 1997 and 2005. I am actively involved with others on the Healthcare Users Group to get the best possible outcome for our new hospital and care home. I was one of the organisers of the recent Freshers Fair. My priorities for Chipping Norton include more youth facilities and a new location for the youth centre. Affordable housing must be made realistic for local families and I am working through the new Town Partnership to bring more jobs and businesses to the town. I want to see more outlets for local produce and Chipping Norton becoming a Fair Trade town. Pollution could be cut in the town centre with an alternative HGV route and the use of more low carbon-emitting buses. I look forward to meeting you during this campaign but do please contact me on or at |
I was born in County Antrim in 1947 and educated at Methodist College Belfast, and the universities of Ulster and Hull. I am married with three grown-up sons, one of whom also lives in Chipping Norton. Two of my grandchildren attend local schools. I have experience of various industries ranging from the merchant navy, to manufacturing and engineering. I moved to Chipping Norton in 2002 and am currently employed by the locally based Phone Co-op. I feel privileged to live and work in such a pleasant town but I believe we must work hard to stop the further deterioration of our environment. We must stop the continuing removal of trees within the borough, curtail the erection of ugly and intrusive road signs, and solve the problem of heavy lorries using the route through town with the resultant pollution and damage. I am proud to be the standard bearer of the Oxfordshire Green Party. Our party has had a real impact on this county, even David Cameron feels compelled to claim membership of the green movement!
For further information contact me
and also go to http://www.greenoxford.com/
I have lived in Chipping Norton all my life and feel I have a good knowledge of the town and I know a great number of the residents personally. There are many changes taking place in our town with new housing developments, the proposed new hospital and care home (with which I have been involved as Chairman of the Hospital Action Group), significant employment changes, the loss of the ambulance station and the threat of a reduction in the opening hours of the Police Station, to name a few. These and other local issues are of concern to us all, and I am confident that given the opportunity I could have an impact on decisions concerning these. During the election campaign I hope to meet as many of you as possible, however, should you have any issues that you would like to discuss with me in the meantime, please either or call me on I sincerely hope you will support me with your vote on May 4th,


Keith Greenwell
Marion Jesty
Patrick McHugh
It is 12 years since my wife and I moved here. Town, District and County Councils have combined to deliver one of the lowest crime rates in the country with low council tax and value for money, Today many of the things which made Chipping Norton a truly desirable place to live are under threat from a government committed to centralisation and the regionalisation of many of our services. The NHS are trying to close our hospital, the ambulance station has closed and if you need an ambulance in an emergency you may have to wait while it comes from Oxford and Banbury or a fire engine arrives. In short, Central Government could not care less about Chipping Norton. We have to make our voices heard. I have many years experience as a Management Consultant and as a director in multi-national businesses. I know as organisations get bigger they get more remote from the people. The attitude of Thames Valley Police is high handed and arrogant. I will continue to campaign for the police station and an increased police presence in our town - which is the answer to crime, anti social behaviour and many of our traffic problems. If you elect me as a Town Councillor, I will work hard to make the voice of Chipping Norton heard in all areas that affect our lives. |
I have been living in Chipping Norton for just over 2 years but have been living and working in West Oxfordshire since 1970.I run a business in the town and have a good understanding of many of the issues that concern local people. I am standing as an independent as my interests are purely people focussed. I have worked in Local Authority for approximately 25 years most of which were spent specialising in the care of the elderly I also have experience in child care and I was a Housing Manager for 4 years as well as being a Special Constable with Thames Valley police for 2 years. All of these positions have given me the opportunity to work with and for real people helping them with day to day issues which concern them. My interests are particularly in the areas of crime prevention and reduction and securing and promoting local and small business in The Town. We are told that crime is on the decrease, in my experience we have seen a marked increase in Yob Culture and have been the victims of Armed Robbery. In my view, hardly a reduction! Of course we have the issues surrounding the closure of the Hospital and reduction in hours of business at The Police Station, these and other campaigns are ongoing with many different views to consider. Small businesses are suffering on a daily basis with a significant slump in takings especially since the closure of Parker Knoll. Hopefully the new low cost housing developments will encourage growth in our community, closely followed by an upturn in the local economy and added interest in local business. I believe in real values for real people and I believe I can represent you and your interests.
I moved to Chipping Norton about 30 years ago, and have lived in Chippy ever since. A career in agriculture has given me an interest and insight into rural issues, Having set up and run Station Mill Antiques - as well as running a business of my own - has given me experience of both sides of local commerce, As Town Hall Keeper for six years I witnessed the workings of the Town Council at close quarters, so I certainly think I can make a constructive contribution as a councillor. With limited powers, the Town Council can only be a representative voice for Chippy people, but it needs to be a louder one than at present. I would like to add my voice- on behalf of the town - to the issues affecting my fellow residents - and we all know what they are. The Town Council comes on for a lot of criticism, but only about 30% of the electorate bother to cast their vote. Please vote for someone. There are three candidates and one will be representing YOU. So Vote!


Lunchtime. Brilliant sunshine. Busy turnout. Everything still to play for. Elizabeth (LibDem) and Brian (Green) have kept their party flags flying with spirited campaigns but its down to a straight choice now between Labour and Conservative. We are lucky to have two such excellent candidates. Both men are extremely well known and respected. Either of them would be a worthy successor to John Hannis who is retiring. Rob's deep political experience against Chunky's easy home grown charm. Both of them have spent most of the last two years successfully fighting to save the hospital. Now the local Cameron bandwagon is probably driving Chunky's momentum along, while the national political picture can't be much help to Rob. But Chippy folk are pretty shrewd at this sort of thing - they'll sort the issues out. By midnight we'll know their verdict (recounts permitting!) If you haven't voted yet remember you've got until 10pm. It'll be a lovely evening for a stroll downtown.
A local resident writes......Wish Id had my camera. The Co-op are joining in the election. Just inside the door at the top of the escalators they have a great subliminal display of big KitKats all proudly displaying the word CHUNKY. |

Elizabeth Allen Liberal Democrat |
Rob Evans Labour |
Brian Luney Green Party |
Robert Townley Conservative |
533 |
94 |
1198 |
Chunky's is the highest individual vote in the whole of West Oxfordshire!
More than enough to send him straight into the Cabinet.

Keith Greenwell
Marion Jesty
Patrick McHugh
983 |
431 |
428 |
Fantastic result for Keith. In the last ten years only one person has polled more votes in a Town Council election. Jo Graves in 2003 while serving Mayor polled twelve more - 995. For comparison Mayor Elect Gina Burrows polled just 650. Looks like a message from the electorate. Expect to see Mayor Greenwell sometime soon!
