Rob Evans Keith Greenwell Brian Luney Pat McHugh
Labour & Co-op Independent Green Conservative

Rob says "Chipping Norton has been my home for 35 yearsÔŅĹduring whichÔŅĹI have served as Town and County Councillor andÔŅĹTown Mayor. It is a good place to live and IÔŅĹve been glad to be involved in the management of The Theatre, ACE and Youth Centres, School and Town Partnership. Also with others on the Healthcare Users Group, delighted that soon we shall see our new hospital and care home on the London Road. As the town grows, so its facilities have to keep pace,so a new youth centre (possibly on the hospital site), and an upgraded library are projects IÔŅĹm working on with others. We need to protect the character of the town, find realistic solutionsÔŅĹto the problem of the heavy lorries, and through good planning decisions, keep our gardens and green spaces as well as preserving employment land for more jobs. Community safety and a proper Visitor Information Centre are other causes I would fight for with the strong voice. experience and enthusiasm I could bring if elected.




Recently nominated as Deputy MayorÔŅĹ Keith saysÔŅĹ "The issues facing Chipping Norton are now critical and our present councillors are achieving nothing.ÔŅĹ We need a community centre and jobs and must fight to retain the historic character of the town! The Town Council has proposals to use the old hospital as the centre catering for youth and the more mature.ÔŅĹ WODC has not brought jobs or provided a community centre. Their focus is not Chipping Norton but Witney. The draft consultation for the next structure plan makes no reference to jobs or community centre but has proposals to increase housing. We must save Chippy




Brian, who came to Chipping Norton in 2002, is married with three grown-up sons, one of whom also lives in Chippy: Two of his grandchildren attend Chipping Norton School. Brian, who is currently employed by the locally based Phone Co-op, feels he is privileged to live and work in such a pleasant town but believes we must we must work hard to stop the further deterioration of our environment: Local councils should be the vanguard of radical action on climate change, and new developments should only be allowed if they have zero carbon emission. Brian is proud to be the standard bearer of the Oxfordshire Green Party, a party that has had a positive impact on this county; even the Tories feel compelled to claim membership of the green movement!







Reserved for some words from Patrick MacHugh

Mr McHugh has been invited twice to send a biography and statement.
He has chosen not to.




Two years ago in March 2006 Barry Norton was interviewed on Radio Oxford by Bill Heine, The interview contains the following exchange:

Barry Norton: Since the closure of Parker Knoll the District and County Council have been working hard behind the scenes to provide new job opportunities There are a number of landholdings in the town which we are looking at as possible locations for new businesses to set up and lots of initiatives are at an advanced stage. I can't say too much because they are commercially sensitive Contracts have to be exchanged and I could stuff the deal if I talked about it.ÔŅĹ There are a number we are working on
Bill HeineÔŅĹ: How many
Barry Norton: Two or three sites.
Bill Heine: How many jobs:
Barry Norton: Several hundred
Bill Heine : When
Barry Norton: In the next two or three months. A lot of these deals are some way down the road.

Local residents will not need reminding that none of these initiatives have actually come to anything - two years later.
What was Barry talking about





We were very impressed with this very genuine-looking photograph on one of Mr McHugh's election leaflets. Not sure what the line down the middle is. No it couldn't be........

So we used the same high-tech software to produce Dave endorsements for the other candidates! Spot which of the three pics is genuine!




The candidates were out this morning greeting voters on the Town Hall steps - one of the nicer Chippy traditions. Your reporters impression was that numbers were well down on last year. If the Tories have not done their usual remorseless job of getting their vote out early things could get tight. Supporters of Rob Evans and Keith Greenwell need to know that they should hurry on down to the polling station this evening because both men are still in with a chance!! The conservative agent said 'the result was too close to call' but then he might well have been double bluffing. Me I reckon Rob or Keith could just edge it!

Rob Evans. Keith Greenwell and Patrick McHugh all looking cheerful enough


Eve Coles and Jenny Timmis are the two most experienced party tellers in the business.
Right The mayor calls in to support her consort


Patrick McHugh explains to the Vicar that an Anglican vote
will do very nicely
when things are as tight as they seem to be in this election.
Right Councillor Mike Dixon wishes good luck to fellow Independent Keith Greenwell
Councillors Watkins and Withers are in support


Green candidate Brian Luney finally makes it to vote after work and meets up with the other 'outsider' candidate Keith Greenwell


Congratulations to Patrick McHugh!

Rob Evans (Lab) 620
Keith Greenwell (Independent) 304
Brian Luney (Green) 105
Pat McHugh (Conservative) 1005


41.3 % Poll

The political balance of the District Council following the elections is
40 Conservative, six Liberal Democrats, two Independents and one Labour.
Prior to the 1 May elections it was 36: 8: 4: 1.ÔŅĹ

Conservatives gave their leader David Cameron the kind of poll boost he was looking for with the local council results in his own back yard. The party strengthened its already formidable grip on West Oxfordshire District Council by winning 11 out of the 13 seats going to the polls. With four more candidates already returned because of no opposition standing against them, they now have 40 councillors in the 49 seat authority.

Mr Cameron, the Witney MP, was not there in person to celebrate with them in the small hours, but jubilant council leader Barry Norton said: "It is a brilliant night of results for the Conservatives." The council holds elections by a third of its seats. The opposition to the Tories is now at an all-time low, with just six Liberal Democrats, two independent councillors and just one Labour

On the night the Tories picked up four gains, two from the Lib Dems and two from independents. As well as Mr Norton, three other Tories stood were unopposed - Simon Hoare, Dennis Stickley and Jeffrey Haine. Successful Lib Dem Margaret Stevens, who held on to her seat at Eynsham by just four votes, said: "I think the Cameron factor counted rather than the local issues. It was an anti-Labour Government vote. Sadly, West Oxfordshire has lost a very good councillor because of it with Elizabeth Bickley in Standlake."

Another successful Lib Dem, Glena Chadwick in Charlbury, said: "I feel very proud and relieved. I was up against David Cameron who actually came round canvassing with his local Tory candidate in the shops and pub." Duncan Enright, the Labour candidate in Witney East, said: "I am not surprised by the results. But, at least in Witney we came second where we had candidates."Richard Dossett-Davies, a Witney town councillor and one of eight candidates standing for the Greens, came second in Witney North. He said: "I did not expect to win, but at least my vote held up against the Conservatives." Former town mayor Peter Green lost his seat as an independent in Witney South. He said: "I'm disappointed. I would have liked to carry on, but that's the way things are in elections." UKIP, with two candidates standing in Witney wards, came bottom in each poll. It was a close run thing for Ian Hudspeth - also a county councillor with responsibility for transport - who held onto his Woodstock and Bladon seat by just 45 votes.


Tories wiped from Oxford City Council

There has been no change in council control in Oxfordshire after votes were counted in the 2008 local elections. Oxford City Council, where half the seats were contested, remains under no overall control but with the Lib Dems losing to Labour as the largest party. ÔŅĹThe Tories lost their only two seats. Labour now has 23 seats, Lib Dems 16, the Greens seven and the Independent Working Class Association has two. ÔŅĹThe Conservatives retained West Oxfordshire and Cherwell. ÔŅĹIn West Oxfordshire, the Tories gained four seats, leaving them with 40 out of 49 seats. They also gained two seats in Cherwell from Labour, taking them to 44 seats out of 50.



A major plank in Keith Greenwell's manifesto for the May election of a District Councillor is that WODC's focus is not Chipping Norton but Witney. So he took his Chippy First message intoÔŅĹ the Witney lions den this morning and made sure that key District councillors received copies of his election leaflet.


Politics hit the Market Square

Politics hit the Market square on Saturday morning. On Topside the Chippy First contingent took up their positions in support of Keith Greenwell outside WH Smith (alongside the Big Issue man) facing a stylish Tory gazebo with blue balloons across the road which Mr and Mrs Stobart and a busy band of conservative helpers had spent over an hour erecting first thing. Usually the gazebo heralds the imminent arrival of David Cameron but Bob Hayward said he had rung David to find out when he would be arriving but unfortunately David was planning to spend the whole morning in Billingsgate Market canvassing for Boris Johnston - which rather puts us in our place. We all knew it was election time when Hilary appeared pushing a pram containing her brand new granddaughter Ava. "Worth a few votes" I suggested - only to be greeted by one of Hilary's turn-you-to-stone glares. She was in very good grandmotherly form which was good news for some of us who thought she might be ill following her absences from a string of important council meetings during the week. The elusive Patrick McHugh at last emerged from hiding and patrolled Top Side wearing a shooting jacket and looking as if he had left some pheasant hanging on the Town Hall railings. When he was challenged by Chippy First Chairman Graham Birks about his refusal to participate in a Hustings, Patrick replied ÔŅĹNobody's interested, its a waste of time talking to people in this town". Well that's a refreshing attitude from an aspiring politician. Rob Evans appeared briefly to have a political pow-wow with Candidate McHugh. On our side of the street there was no mistaking the very deep hostility among electors for Prime Minister Brown and the Labour Party in general. They are going to get hammered next week. Labour's traditional supporters will be staying away in droves. The Tories will have to work very hardÔŅĹ to lose this election - but nonetheless Chippy First are going into next week with their tails up. "Don't you realise that all your childish behaviour is turning everybody off" was the constant Tory theme addressed to Chippy First members. Well no actually. That's not what people were saying to us. Lots and lots of folk said that it was important to give those arrogant Tories a run for their money - a groupÔŅĹ who think they own the town andÔŅĹ can propose a candidate who has never had any experience of being any sort of councillor, who refuses to take part in any public meeting and who - judging from his literature - doesn't seem to have any ideas of his own. To which I replied " Well think yourself lucky you don't live in Enstone where the Tory candidate is returned unopposed. At least here we make them fight for their seat" Only a few days to go. Things will get rougher yet.