
Highlands Day Centre was opened on February 1st 1993 and is a former private house comfortably converted to have a club- like atmosphere where the over fifties, particularly those living alone, can meet and socialise. Transport is available to collect members from the town and surrounding villages. We open on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Morning Coffee, Afternoon Tea and a home-prepared lunch are provided for a modest charge. Staff and volunteers help to make the visit enjoyable. Reasons of space mean that we can only entertain twenty two members on each day. There are some vacancies at present and we are celebrating our tenth anniversary this year on June 24th. There will be refreshments between 6.30 and 8 pm and a chance to see the house and meet the staff and committee and hear a report on activities and finance at the AGM which will be held during the evening. A volunteer management committee is chaired by Pat Lake Mrs Caroline Hickling is in charge with two assistants and can be contacted on . Volunteers assist with the transport, at the day centre, in the shop and more are always welcome. Highlands is partly financed by Social Services but also by fund-raising and our popular shop in the Market Place.
Horsefair in West Oxfordshire
From the OXFORD MAIL A new report shows that Horsefair in Chipping Norton has the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide in West Oxfordshire. Horsefair along with Bridge Street and Mill Street, in Witney remain above the Government target levels. The figures are in a report to the June 12th meeting of West Oxfordshire District Council's environment scrutiny committee. Last year all three sites were above the pollution target level of 21 parts per billion (ppb), and remained so this year. The measurement at Horsefair was 35ppb, with Mill Street 33ppb, and Bridge Street 29ppb. Thirty-two sites have been monitored. The only other places above the target level were in Burford High Street (23ppb), and West Street in Chipping Norton (24ppb). Selected sites in Charlbury, Carterton and Eynsham remained well below the level, while others at Woodstock and Bladon were just below. Martin Rowland, head of the environmental health department, said the council would have to declare the sites Air Quality Management Areas if it did not think the target level would be met. He said: "As the prime source of nitrogen dioxide affecting residents is traffic, the action plan would have to involve traffic management." (READ THE REPORT) Chipping Norton Town Council has joined calls for measures to control heavy lorries using the A44.
Members of the Family History Group of Chipping Norton welcome everyone to experience what research is possible these days on the net, and to introduce their own software resources which are available - along with support and encouragement - to townspeople tracing their family histories.
From left: Peter Tyrrell giving a helping hand to Keith Cooper-Harris whose ancestors didn't help by sometimes calling themselves Cooper and sometimes Harris. Helen Brown with Jack Sussens whose rare surname stays elusive on the IGI database. Jan Cliffe explains recent work on mediaeval wills by the CN Historical Research Group to Andrew Collard. Family Tree expert Sara Collard discusses a detail with Liz Stranks.