I promised quite a few people before the recent Town Council Election that - if I was elected - I would write a regular report on this website about my experiences. My report on the first Council meeting is written, but frankly - a week later - I still can't quite believe a few of the things that went on so I think I better wait a bit longer before commenting too publicly. For example, did I really get an agenda for that meeting which assumed the outcome of an election for mayor which hadn't yet happened And did one senior councillor get up and tell us newcomers that the mayor's job had already been fixed up for the next two (even three) years I must apologise but I think I'll hang on for the "official" minutes and see if I've got all this right. Meanwhile - to honour my promise - if any of my constituents care to call round at The Manor House - and swear an oath of secrecy - they can read a copy of my first "unofficial" report.
Gerry Alcock