What does the LHNT do
The Lawrence Home Nursing Team (LHNT) provides skilled care for terminally ill patients living in the Chipping Norton area who wish to remain at home. The LHNT works in partnership with GPs, District Nurses and other agencies to provide a package of care to meet the needs of the patient.
Who runs the LHNT
The LHNT has a board of Trustees who are responsible for the management of the LHNT; the Chairman is Dr. Jonathan Moore.
Jenny Nolan is the LHNT Nursing Co-ordinator. She is responsible for all aspects of the patient's care from the day that they are referred to the LHNT.
How can I contact the LHNT
If you would like further details of the nursing service offered by the LHNT then please telephone Jenny Nolan, the Nursing Co-ordinator on .
Is the service free
Yes. There is no charge to any patient or family for the care we provide.
Who works for the LHNT
The only paid employees of the LHNT are the Nursing Co-ordinator, Jenny Nolan, and the team of nurses. The nurses are all fully qualified, experienced registered nurses; they have regular meetings chaired by Jenny Nolan and they also take part in a full programme of on-going training in palliative care.
All administrative work is caried out free of charge by volunteers in order to ensure that the funds raised are spent on patient care not paperwork.
How does the LHNT raise funds
The people of Chipping Norton and the surrounding area have been unbelievably generous in their support of the LHNT since the establishment of the charity in 1999. Our funds come from: gifts, legacies, sponsorship, donations from trusts and businesses and fund raising activities by local groups and individuals. We are most grateful for all the support that we have received from the local community.
How can I help to raise funds
If you wish to organise a fund raising event in your local area please do so! Please contact the LHNT Fund Raising Co-ordinator Nikki Knott ( ) to inform her of the date of the event so that it can be posted on our website. Some publicity material is also available from Nikki Knott.
If you wish to make a donation you can send this directly to the Treasurer Cicely Maunder at Hawthorn House, 54 Over Norton Rd, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, OX7 5NR ( )
