The town centre of our "twin" Magny-en-Vexin
What is Twinning .....
Twinning is when a town in one country pairs with a town in another country to exchange friendship and culture and endeavour to entertain each other. This is built up in a very informal way by families and individuals in each of the two countries befriending each other via a link organisation. There are many other towns and villages in England which are twinned with a variety of European towns and villages.
Chipping Norton & District Twinning Association....
began in 1975 and since then has developed a warm relationship with members attached to its twin town of Magny-en-Vexin. It has an executive committee elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.
Who can join....
Members are drawn from those who live, work or have a connection with the town or district The Association provides a framework to organise travel, correspondence and other links between here and Magny-en-Vexin. It is not necessary to be able to speak French, although if you can manage a few words, your enjoyment will be enhanced. We also have a programme of social events held throughout the year to raise funds, with regular newsletters for members.
Visit France!....
A bi-annual visit to France and a complementing visit by the French to Chipping Norton is arranged where the aim is to lodge families with members both here and in Magny-en-Vexin. The Association's group trip to France keeps costs to a minimum and ensures that those who cannot speak the language are never far away from friends who can help them out. There is a wonderful sense of camaraderie between members who represent all walks of life. Whilst the Association maintains a civic link, it is entirely independent of the Town Council and receives no regular grants. It is financed by subscriptions of members and funds generated during the year from various social events.
is situated approximately forty miles north west of Paris, and is similar in many respects to Chipping Norton. It has developed as a market town and its position on the main posting route between Paris, Rouen and the Channel has increased its importance. Similar in size and population it too is built of stone in a countryside of hills and valleys. It also boasts old and new buildings, schools, hospitals, sports grounds and other clubs. Their Twinning Association is called 'Amicale Magnytoise'.
By joining the Chipping Norton & District Twinning Association you can take part in all their social events and also enjoy family weekends in France. We believe this is the best and most ~ effective way of getting to know a foreign country and its people.
For more information please contact The Chairman
Jo Graves
Bay Cottage,
65, New Street,