The proposal to build six dwellings on half an acre of land - previously back gardens - in Cross Leys has aroused a storm of protest. The Town Council thought the plan was too dense. The Officers report is now published. Extracts below. READ THE FULL REPORT HERE The Planning Meeting is on May 9th.
THE PLAN The application seeks full planning permission for the erection of six dwellings on land at 18-20 Cross Leys, Chipping Norton. The application site currently forms the garden areas of 18-20 Cross Leys and comprises an area of approximately 0.2 hectares (0.5 acres). The application site is located outside of the Chipping Norton Conservation Area, however, within the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The application proposes the erection of one dwelling between 14 and 18 Cross Leys and one dwelling between 20 and 22 Cross Leys, both having vehicular access directly onto Cross Leys. The application also proposes the erection of four terraced properties with associated garages fronting Webb Crescent and having vehicular access directly onto Webb Crescent.
THE OBJECTIONS Concern over the new road junction and vehicular access from Webb Crescent; potentially, 16 additional vehicles could be introduced, creating congestion problems.... A blind corner would be formed by the new access to the proposed development, creating hazards for pedestrians, especially children.....With the obstructions of kerbside parking, existing planting and vehicles parked in driveways, drivers would not be able to see clearly around the junction...... The proposed roadway and junction crosses two existing driveways; residents would be accessing the driveways across a blind junction......Vehicles from the proposed detached houses facing onto Cross Leys would need to reverse directly onto the highway....There would be no safe routes for pedestrians along this stretch of terraces; all space is reserved for parking......Webb Crescent is a cul-de-sac where through-traffic is not a problem as present. Children are able to play safely and use the Crescent as a major school route. Increased traffic would make Webb Crescent more dangerous......The new access will provide a rat-run through Webb Crescent.....An alternative access could be from 18 Cross Leys......Parking allocation has only been made for six additional vehicles; realistically, the development would create more than six vehicles, which would cause a parking overspill onto Webb Crescent. This would damage visibility for traffic and hinder access to Webb Crescent for Emergency Services vehicles......Each new dwelling is likely to have two vehicles; thus, the proposed garage provision is inadequate. In addition, there would be no safe parking at the top of Webb Crescent as the houses will be accessed on a bend. Vehicles parked on this bend would create a dangerous obstruction.....The removal of car parking and turning spaces for 18-20 Cross Leys and replacement with two houses creates restricted off-road parking for four dwellings.....The area designated for four garages and storage would be more effectively used as six garages with parking spaces (one garage and parking space for each new dwelling).....The houses are designed for families, but the amenities are small, such as gardens..... Furthermore, windows on the terrace row are only 5.5 metres from the boundary of 8 Webb Crescent, thus creating the issue of overlooking....Concern that the proposed houses would not be able to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act; they are, therefore, unacceptable....The proposed development is too dense.....Over-dominance; The proposed buildings are in close proximity to existing dwellings. The roof line and the visual appearance of the area would be damaged.....Lack of privacy; Properties such as 5 and 8 Webb Crescent would be overlooked by the development.....Short-term impact; the period of construction would create disturbance, noise and pollution in the immediate vicinity. Lorries would also require access to the site from both entrances.....Properties along the West side of Cross Leys are, currently, evenly spaced allowing views of the countryside. By inserting houses in close proximity to both sides of 18-20 Cross Leys, this view would be blocked. Furthermore, the mismatch of the proposals with the existing dwellings would be accentuated......The development would block pleasant views of the Great Common, the Old Fox Pub and the Bliss Mill Chimney, particularly from 17 Cross Leys....The application could, potentially, allow the garage blocks to be converted into habitable units.
THE OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION The application site is located within the built up area of Chipping Norton and your officers consider that the proposal comprises rounding off......In your officers opinion the erection of two detached dwellings represents the logical complement of development within Cross Leys. Your officers consider that the design and form of the proposed dwellings reflects the local vernacular and provides the opportunity to enhance the character and appearance of the street scene. Your officers consider that the layout and form of the proposed development respects the amenity of the neighbouring properties. The properties most directly affected by the proposed development are 6 and 8 Webb Crescent. The proposed vehicular access is to be provided adjacent to 6 Webb Crescent. Your officers do not consider that the vehicular movements generated by the proposal will result in an unacceptable level of amenity to this property in terms of noise and disturbance. Having regard to the above it is your officers opinion that the principle of residential development is considered to be acceptable. Your officers consider that the proposal provides the opportunity to enhance the character of the street scene. The proposal maintains the amenity of neighbouring properties and provides an acceptable level of amenity for future occupiers. Having regard to the above the proposal is considered to be in accordance with both Government guidance and development plan policy and your officers recommendation is that planning permission be granted.
9th MAY DECISION It was proposed by Mr C Cottrell-Dormer and seconded by Mr J Haine that a site visit takes place to enable members to better consider the impact of the proposals on the amenities of neighbouring properties and the impact on the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Decision Deferred for a site visit on Thursday 2nd June 2005 at 9.30 am.
On June 6th this application was approved by seven votes to five.