Your article �Dean Pit - Toff protestors cause chaos� has caused great offence as well as being completely inaccurate. The protest by concerned residents of the three villages that neighbour Dean Pit is about the inadequate width of the approach lane and the general concerns about a dangerous and congested access to an essential facility which is for the benefit of some 25,000 local residents.
As a secondary concern residents would like to see better easier to use re-cycling facilities. If your �correspondent� had bothered to inquire as to the protest the matter could have been explained, and no doubt any sane person would agree with the action very generously supported by The Chadlingtons.
The council is in the process of applying to renew the temporary planning application for the site and residents want the access issues looked at as part of the application, in addition we want the council to �consider� other possibly more suitable sites which have been identified in a paper produced by independent experts and paid for by Lord and Lady Chadlington. The review which should be supported by everyone for whom the tip is provided, should look at improving the facilities since we are all very soon going to be forced into fortnightly rubbish collections and as a consequence traffic to our local tip will inevitably increase.
Your �article� inferred that some upper class people decided to disrupt the tip this is a complete fabrication and distortion of the facts resulting in offence against people of every walk of life who are concerned for the benefit of their fellow citizens, you should check your facts and publish the truth.
Jaime Talbot (of the Aspire Group)
00 44 (0)8450 940 634 Aspire House Unit 15 Worcester Road Industrial Estate Chipping Norton
The webmaster writes: At the last meeting of the Town Council Councillor Greenwell proposed a motion which was unanimously endorsed that Chippy should support the extension of the planning permission for Dean Pit . In any case it looks as if Jaime of the Aspire Group is flogging a dead horse because the Planners have already issued a report with their recommendation which will be rubber-stamped at the Planning Committee on July 6th The report concludes:
"Officers consider that the continued use of the site as a waste recycling centre is unlikely to have any further impact on the residential amenity of nearby properties particularly given the distance between the nearest neighbours and the application site.
The proposed extension of the time period would not result in any significant increase in the level of traffic generated by the current use of the site and as such officers do not consider that this would be harmful in terms of its impact on the character of the area or the amenity of properties to justify objecting to the proposal.
Given the above, officers are of the opinion that the District Council should raise no objections to the application for the extension of the time period for the use of the site as a Waste Recycling Centre".
Perhaps the scruffy hordes from Chippy should doff their caps in future as they shuffle past the gates of Dean Manor on their way to the tip as a mark of gratitude for this indispensable facility being kept open. I haven't seen Lord Chadlington's list of more suitable sites. I bet Pool Meadow is one of them!!