
Three thirty and Jazz Day's in full swing

Dave Barry Jazz Band are at the Blue Boar & Tom"Spats" Langham at the Chequers

Mike Howes is busy keeping things moving. Keith Nichols is running a workshop at the Town Hall with an attentive audience and watched by Don Davidson who is getting getting into a foot-stomping, mayoral chain-rattling mood.

The players in the workshop are having the performance of a lifetime coaxed out of them by Keith while their friends and relations look on amazed!!
2004 Programme
Town Centre
11.30 -12.30 pm Co-op Food Hall Tele Anything Goes (Clarinet plus Piano duo)
12.45 2.30 pm The Fox Hotel* Tele Anything Goes (Clarinet plus Piano duo)
12.30 2.30 pm Old Mill Coffee Shop Tele Rory McInroy Piano
12.30 1.30 pm C N Theatre Tele School Jazz Bands
1.00 4.00pm The Blue Boar Tele Dave Barry Jazz Band
3.30 5.30pm The Chequers Tele Tom Spats/Norman Field
5.30 7.30pm Crown & Cushion* Tele Nick Gill & Cate Cody
5.30 7.30pm The Blue Boar Tele Just Jazz
6.30 8.30pm Devils Kitchen Tele Amy Bee - Acoustic Duo
Special thanks to the proprietors who have sponsored the groups
* Hotels with accommodation Whichford
12.30 - 2.30pm Norman Knight Tele Tom Spats/Norman Field
Jazz Workshops
Open to all young & old who would like to play Jazz.
Sessions at Chipping Norton Town Hall no fee payable.
3-4pm or 4-5pm
Particular thanks to the C N Town Council for part sponsoring
the cost of the musicians.
Information & applications
8pm at Chipping Norton Theatre.
Keith Nichols and The Collegians
Andy Woon, Tom"Spats" Langham, Colin Turner, Nick Gill and Norman Field
For Traditional Classic Jazz, Ragtime, inc music by
Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, etc.
Tickets from Theatre 11.
Proceeds of the day will go to Katherine House Hospice, The Life Education Centre and to Rotary Foundation.
Information from Rotarian M D Howes or and www.chippingnorton,net for latest updates

SEPT 28th 2003
KEITH NICHOLS' JAZZDAY WORKSHOP Keith Nichols is one of the country's foremost authorities on Classic Jazz and Ragtime. He is also a witty and inspiring teacher. On a chilly Sunday afternoon Keith held a couple of masterclasses in the Town Hall for local musicians of very varying abilities. He had a delightful knack of coaxing even the shiest beginners into trying to get beyond the note playing and have a go at expressing mood and emotion. Quite a few members of the School Jazz band attended - seeming to pick up useful tips. The fun atmosphere attracted quite a crowd of interested observers who soon got quite involved in it all. The mayor was there and even the Rotary Club marshals came in from the cold for a while!
