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Jayne Barringer, Top-Up Swimming instructor, and lifeguard Lauren Parkinson (centre back) celebrate at the end of The Lidos Top-Up Swimming programme with year 5 and 6 students from local primary schools
Children taking part in a Top-Up Swimming programme at Chipping Norton Lido have been celebrating their success. The programme has achieved a success rate of 73% in helping local 10 and 11 year olds from primary schools in the Chipping Norton School Partnership reach the national swimming target of 25 metres. Claire Wallace, Partnership Development Manager at the West Oxfordshire School Sport Partnership who funded the programme, commented, This particular project at The Lido has been incredibly successful and has far outstripped the national target for top-up swimming programmes of 60% achieving their 25m. The children have felt special, coming out of school to visit The Lido, and the instructor, Jayne Barringer showed excellent skills in working with this target group.
Thirty children in years 5 and 6 at five local primary schools received an intensive course of eight lessons over four weeks in June, culminating in a mini festival event. In addition, another 16 children from Charlbury Primary School received a short course of three lessons, after which eight of them were able to swim 25m.
Claire Jarvis, Lido trustee, added, Weve always been proud of our teaching record at The Lido and so we were delighted to work with the School Sport Partnership on this project. Alongside the formal teaching, we also gave each child their own floatation aid and provided the children and their families with free passes to The Lido to encourage them to swim more frequently. Additional funding from West Oxfordshire District Council enabled us to provide specialist lifeguards to act as mentors to the children, and all these factors have helped boost the overall success rate of the programme.
Dip 'n' Chill was an innovative scheme this summer at the Lido which offered young people free swimming on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 till 10. It was a huge success.
Claire Jarvis reports: 157 young people registered with The Lido (ie when they first came to a Dip n Chill session we asked them to complete a form with their contact details ). There were 13 Tuesday night sessions during June, July and August. Attendance very quickly grew from 18 on the first night to 69 by the last session, and was consistently over 60 from early July onwards. It was funded by a grant from Oxfordshire County Councils Chill Out Fund plus some sponsorship from The Fox and Andrew Bennett Upholstery. Credit for managing the project and making it such a big success with the young people (and their parents) must go to our manager Marie-Ann Roberts and our lifeguards who helped create an atmosphere in which kids could let off steam and still remain safe. Jane and Tony Parnell from The Fox also contributed to the success of the project by running barbecues and opening the caf. On the last night they provided a free barbecue for all the participants. And, yes, well certainly be applying for funding to run it again next year! Below is a picture taken at one of the Tuesday sessions.

Friday 26th October: Chipping Norton Lido scooped Gold as Community Project Award winner at the Swimtastic Awards 2007 in Stratford-Upon-Avon. In addition, Ken Norman won the silver award in the Fundraiser of the Year category for his achievements in raising funds to keep The Lido open. The awards, part of national awards organised by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) and backed by cereal manufacturer Kelloggs, aims to acknowledge and celebrate pool-based projects in the UK that have benefited their communities the most.
Claire Jarvis, Trustee of Chipping Norton Lido, nominated the lido for the award on the strength of its work with young people. She said: Chipping Norton Lido Ltd is one of the countrys few remaining open air pools. It was saved from closure by local campaigners four years ago and, since then has played an increasingly important role in the sporting and recreational life of the community. Projects aimed at young people included Dip n Chill evenings for 11-18 year olds, top-up swimming lessons and mentoring for 10 and 11 year olds, a lunchtime swim club for local school children, and a junior lifeguard training programme. Fellow Trustee Sarah Watson had this to say on winning the award, Obviously we are delighted to receive this level of national recognition in what is only our third season of independent operation. As a charity and a social enterprise, The Lido can truly be described as a pool with a social conscience. We are passionate about ensuring that all areas of the community benefit from a regular swim, and we hope our work with young people demonstrates just that.

Picture shows Sarah Watson with our award together with Commonwealth medallist
Rebecca Cook and British water polo team captain Craig Figes.
Auction raises 18,500
to help keep The Lido open
The 2008 Lido Auction provided a great evenings entertainment to a packed marquee on Friday evening. Early arrivals were entertained by the very talented Chipping Norton School Jazz Band.

They performed a range of numbers before the arrival of host and auctioneer, the inimitable Jeremy Clarkson. With gavel in hand, the auction quickly got underway. With some fantastic lots, such as a days driving in an Aston Martin, and a cookery class with Prue Leith, the money was soon rolling in.

Richard Young, the close-up magician, stunned everyone when he demonstrated his skills. No-one was more astonished than Jeremy Clarkson when Richard read his mind, and correctly revealed a word, chosen at random by Jeremy from one of his own books.

The auction raised the fantastic sum of 16,579. With the raffle and ticket sales, and the hard work of all the volunteers, the evening raised a net total of 18,500 which will directly support the cost of keeping The Lido open for the community. The auction organisers would like to thank everyone for their support and help in making the 2008 auction a resounding success.
Photography: Haddon Davies Photography, Barnside Studios
Lido wins yet another Award!
Chipping Norton Lido has received West Oxfordshire District Councils Chairmans Award for 2009 for Outstanding Achievement. Claire Jarvis and fellow trustees received the Award from the Councils Vice Chairman, Cllr Derek Cotterill, at an Awards Evening on Friday (March 6th). The Lido, which first opened in 1970 and has been run by community-founded Chipping Norton Lido Limited since 2004, was not only recognised for its Outstanding Achievement in providing leisure opportunities to residents of Chipping Norton and surrounding villages, but also for the innovation used in their new water treatment plant, the use of a ground source heat pump and boring their own water hole.
Presenting the Award, Cllr Cotterill said he was proud to give the award to The Lido on behalf of Council Chairman Cllr Roger Curry. He added: The winners of this award have shown real determination. They have made an improvement to the community they live in and are providing a facility that is enjoyed by many. Mrs Jarvis said: Its been an exciting, eventful four to five year for us now. We have had a huge amount of support, not only from the community but on many other levels as well. First and foremost, West Oxfordshire District Council has helped us enormously; we have received a great deal of support from members of staff, district and county councillors including Cllr Hilary Biles, our Cabinet Member who is also our county councillor. Our Town councillors in Chipping Norton have supported us all the way. Theres been an enormous contribution by our staff and the pool committee, and this award is gratefully received on their behalf.

They were already queuing at the door 45 minutes before opening time brilliant weather saw the Dip n Chill season at The Lido get off to a cracking start last night with nearly 100 young people taking advantage of the free swim session which is funded by Emmas Trust and OCCs Chill Out Fund.
Jeremy helps Lido raise 14,000

The 6th annual Lido Auction of Promises delivered another great evenings entertainment and a 14,000 fundraising boost to the community-run open air pool. Following a Bond theme, the talented All Stars Jazz Band performed a range of numbers before the arrival of host and auctioneer, the incomparable Jeremy Clarkson.
Top lots were the Aston Martin performance driving experience which went for 900, closely followed by holidays in Scotland and Spain in houses not usually available for rent which fetched 800 and 700 each.Organiser and Lido trustee Ken Norman commented, It was all very entertaining, Jeremy was on good form and we had a lot of fun. Lots of the donors entered the spirit of the 007 theme and wed like to thank them all for their generous support. The auction raised over 14,000 after costs which will contribute towards the annual operating costs of the pool for which there is currently no significant public funding. In its six-year history, the auction has now raised over 100,000 and has ensured that the pool remains open each season.