Michael Fletcher received a farewell presentation from the Mayor and Town Council on Monday evening thanking him for the sterling work he has performed over the last seven years as Town Clerk. Michael is adopting a kind of "rolling" approach to retirement. Having left a senior management job at Parker Knoll to become Town Clerk, he has understandably decided that this job now takes up more of his time and energy than he's happy about. He's after a cushier job slot! He wants to unwind. There are other important things in his life - not least his music making at the Methodist Church and his family. Don Davidson recalled the last few hectic years including the millenium and John Grantham went back further to the 25 years Michael spent at Parker Knoll. Everyone stressed the fantastic knowledge which both Michael and his wife Freeda have of Chippy and how much this will be missed.
A Personal Vote of Thanks Michael is a really conscientious and fair-minded man who has the interests of this town at heart. He has a profound knowledge of local people and issues. He has acquired an impressive grasp of the arcane workings of local government and was always ready to share this with others. His contacts are widespread and friendly. This newcomer councillor found him unbelievably courteous and unstintingly helpful and will always be grateful to him for his help and advice. Michael will be very sorely missed by all the Town Councillors. He sat through hours and hours of often turgid council proceedings - until late in the evening. He was called on to pronounce Solomon-like judgements often on obscure procedural matters. He was rarely stumped. He produced minutes which managed to make sense of even the most chaotic discussions. He surely won't miss any of that. Michael is one of the last of the quill pen, filing cabinets and snail mail generation.....I suspect he is getting out before e-government arrives in Chippy and he is forced to understand how e-mail works! I wish him the very best of luck with whatever he chooses to do next! He will be a very hard act to follow. Councillor Gerry Alcock
 Left District Councillor Eve Coles and Martin Jarrett are no doubt plotting how to save the Elm tree at Castleview. Centre Mayoress Peta Simmons and the new Town Clerk David Williams are probably discussing diaries and Right Jo Graves makes a forceful point about the Hospital to John Grantham.
Left Martin Hannant has come down from pantomime rehearsals upstairs to join Eve Coles listening to the Mayor's speech Centre Michael and his wife Freeda read the "humorous" comments which everyone has written in his leaving card Right Don Davidson presents Michael with a digital Olympus camera as a token of the Town's appreciation. It will be heavily used for taking pictures of the grandchildren, said Michael

Left Listening to Michael's speech, Deputy Mayor Gina Burrows sports that "Bless Him" look which she reserves only for her favourites. Centre Vanessa Olivieri reminisces about her seven years working for Michael in the Guildhall office. Right Snapped unawares by Jo Graves, Gerry Alcock, County Councillor Rob Evans and Yasin Qadir share some ribald (probably anti-Tory) joke beneath the picture of Charlie Withers in the Lower Town Hall.