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BEN (8months) really gave his mum a scare over the holiday! On the 28th December. Vicky Hubbard of Albion Place was visiting her dad down in New Street for a family get together. Her husband was ill in bed at home. She had her two sons Ben and William with her. At five in the afternoon Vicky was in the kitchen with her sister preparing some food when young Ben started coughing and spluttering, He had obviously eaten something he shouldn't have done. Ben kept putting his fingers down his mouth and was in a lot of distress. He was choking and his face was getting a worryingly high colour. He started being sick and was bringing up blood. Vicky rang the GP and got an answering machine telling her she was in a queue. Vicky was in a bit of a panic and she wasn't thinking terribly straight. As she says now.."I was really worried. I needed somebody who would know what to do. Who could take control". Her brother decided that they should go to the hospital rather than sit in a telephone queue and piled Vicky and Ben into the car - although nobody was really sure whether the hospital still dealt with this sort of emergency or not. But like everyone in Chippy in the same boat the hospital was the place they thought of first. Ben had been born there. So had Vicky's mum and dad and nine other members of her family. According to Vicky the nurse was absolutely fantastic when they arrived. She checked that Ben's airway was clear and reassured Vicky that everything would be OK. They would soon have Ben in the hands of a doctor at the Horton. An ambulance was called. And while they waited for it a huge cough from Ben brought up a glittering silver foil star - about half an inch across. A table decoration and the obvious culprit. Hopefully the only one. The paramedics arrived and took Ben off to Banbury. The single foil star had cut his throat but thankfully there was no more damage. Vicky is eternally grateful that the Minor Injuries Unit was available that afternoon. "I shudder to think what it would have been like having to wait for a doctor or driving Ben to Banbury not knowing just how serious things were. I've always been used to having the hospital close by and I think it will be a tragedy if it doesn't carry on being somewhere we can call on in an emergency. It gives you terrific peace of mind just knowing its there" |